According to the State President 500 people in SA are infected with Covid per hour. The situation is alarming... 37 000 quarantine beds available across the country but shortage of medical staff, etc etc.
Tomorrow's newspapers will carry all the news, so I will return to my little life.
Ferdi visited me on Friday afternoon and we had tea with masks in the kitchen where we could observe social distancing.
For lunch today I drove out to Lorraine to see Kia where she is caring for Sonet's menagerie.
Yesterday Emile c me and I could observe him at the braai caring for 2 kids. Not child's play but he was managing well in very cold conditions.
Yael got hold of Ilan's bottle. Looking very pleased here!
Big brother helping to select a toy for his sister.
Eon and Inge seemed to have had a good weekend, I heard about a restaurant visit as well as an evening of baby sitting for Frans.
Inge looked so good in front of a vintage
shop in Wellington. I was so pleased to receive this pic.
Some nostalgia I came across:
AND an add in Die Oosterlig of more than 57 years ago shows the bakkie my father as a "dorpsboer" owned.
Picked out on Instagram :
Sunday morning at 7 on my bed above, and guarding the front door....