Sunday, 31 May 2020

End of May has arrived!

A beautiful early winter's day... Also the day Government and church leaders earmarked for prayer...
      We have spent most of the day in the garden. I in slo-mo weeding and raking and helping Neighbour James remotely with making a flower bed to surprise his mother.  Kia busying herself with a contraption to allow Red the cat to "hoist" himself into her room from the side ally. 
    Reading today's newspaper, it is interesting to know how modern thermometers differ... 
Jana could not believe thay I still have my mother's thermometers... 
   As we move into Level 3, the Covid stats stand at:
... and on the ESKOM App... 
On the gastronomic scene,  Savages had good news on Instagram...
   And Kindred Kitchen announced that they will follow from Tuesday with take-away orders. 

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Stormy weather almost overshadows Covid

May 27...  Two days of severe cold, wind and very welcome rain has taken priority in the news today.
. Several mountain passes were closed on account of snow.  The latter to provide much needed water when it melts and fills rivers and catchment dams.
   The storm has hit our garden vigorously.  Broken branches, flattened plants, but - fortunately - much needed water in the tanks.
   Our ginger cat's owner came to the door when she saw him on the pavement. She has been searching for him for two weeks. A friendly arrangement was the result  and from now on Kia will care for him with food supplied by Celeste from Dollery Street.
    We are working on the logistics to house a feline!
On the pandemic side, the Conference Centre in Cape Town has been tutned into a field hospital.
I was touched by this photograph on Instagram...
How untouchable has the World become?
And a bit of good news on I'm Staying...

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Level 3 of Lockdown a reality soon...

May 25...  Good news for the economy, religious groups and those needing alcohol!
    From next Monday walking and exercise won't be restricted to 3 hours per day.
    We enjoyed our morning walk knowing that the end of warm Autumn weather is imminent. There was a gathering of friends near the coffee shop. One of them the owner of this Merc. 
    Our cat quest was performing a happy welcome when we arrived home at 9am.

We spent some time in the back garden and Kia took a pic of me in my "broadcast" mode... Not a flattering one though...
   Today is Africa Day!  My thoughts go back to Jerusalem where I made milk tart at the gurst house  to celebrate my part of the continent.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

58 days...

Sunday, May 24... Tempted to skip the morning walk today, but with a little willpower we took to the streets.
     With the result of my disastrous haircut, a hat is not a fashion accessory but a necessity!
 My footwear is a gift from my friend Martie Kritzinger...
. Lots of dogs and owners out this morning as well as the group who drink coffee from Ground Floor cafe.
    Our lunch was from BeerYard, a restaurant we pass every morning... Kia saw the ad on Facebook and went to collect.  We enjoyed it in the garden. Nice surprise!
.  In Kyalami Emile prepared a veg braai as he an Jana is doing the Daniel Fast.  Little Yaelllooking happy in her own world.

. I try to sort out little corners in cupboards and drawers as the days go by.   Two lovely memories came my way in this process.  One was of my mother's Datsun and the other a drawing by Kia of her cycling!
. And here she is on the exercise bike tonight! 
Yesterday started with a bit of drama when Liz phoned to say that she could not reach her son (our neighbour) and that Atlas Security reacted to an alarm. Got no reply when "hammering" on the door.
     Kia offered to meet the secutity guard and took our set of keys to gain access. This happened when we were on a Family WApp video call and had to interrupt our chat...
End of story... James came to the door as Kia was unlocking the safety gate!
      Yesterday had a special l memory in store for me when I picked up that it was Jerusalem Day in Israel.  Five years ago I witnessed the celebration. 

Friday, 22 May 2020

56 days in lockdown

May 22... There are so many ways a person can react to what is happening in the world as the virus eats into the fibre of existence.
    Scary newspaper reports like this one in today's BURGER... 

    On our morning walk, I briefly chatted to Jack of Meat on Stanley. His wife owns several buildings in the street and he said they have lost all their tenants... That means that the strip with the special restaurant vibe will be  the Avenue of Desolation for a long time to come.
     For our young neighbour, real  life is on pause and he is mostly social around the braai fire with frirnds and the trimmings to add to a relaxed atmosphere... 
     He now has a braai pit but struggles to get a fire going. 
  So after smoking us all out by putting wet wood on the blitz and newspaper, I gave him a friendly practical lesson... Also prepared a gift of "fynhoutjies" etc for the next firemaking effort. 
.   For our Couchsurfer Ginger cat our house is a haven and he welcomes us back from the morning walks and lazes in the garden for most of the day
. My friend Rose came round to pick up the books she asked to borrow.  Weird to chat  and social distance at the gate behind masks! 

Out and about with Getzi

May 21... It was an exceptionally hot day for this time of the year but we took the car and headed for Summerstrand.
     Kia needed a sugar rush after having some of her coif snipped and shaved...
   Doughnuts are not my favourite, but I will wait until next week for a treat from Savages...
    On the way to Walmer we were surprised by a herd of cattle on the road.  Lots of grass for grazing in Strandfontein Road...  So much that the wood seller decided to take sections out to offer for sale!
We travelled via Heugh Road to buy droë wors at Westville, then to stock up on groceries at Moffett on Main. 
     On our way back home we stopped at the Nut shop and Bloomingdales nursery. 
     The first bloom of the Golden Shower welcomed us back. 
... As well as the remains of a dust mask!
During the Lockdown I am reading more on my cellphone than ever before.  
    Two items on social media indpired me today:

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

54 days in lockdown...

Crazy clothing guidelines as to what to buy made for an interesting cover (weekend Rapport) May 20... And waking up in a heavy mist brought a different dimension to this state...
Walking down Stanley Street made me wonder how many restaurants will be able to reopen.
     COVID is overshadowing everything that was previously important. Here are yesterday's stats...
AND in Johannesburg Yael is growing  by the day. Just received this happy picture...

Sunday, 17 May 2020

This is crazy... day 51 of Lockdown

Emile's morning walk with the kids in Kyalami... 
 Rather cold I heard, but in Port Elizabeth the sun is soothing and the  Hill people and their pets are enjoying the outdoors.
    We met Ed and Francis and their brown poodle.  They gave us feedback on the Australian programme INSTANT HOTEL we suggested they watch.
    We stood on the corner where the Red Cafe is usually a hive of activity.  So sad to see it forlorn! 
   And on the Covid front... 

Red, the ginger cat, has become so used to us that he maauuuis to be let in. We have now labelled him our "Couchsurfer". 
      He was happy to be with us until 11pm.