Thursday, March 11
The state of emergency has been extended to 15 April.
A devestating drought in the Gamtoos Valley is turning the farming region into a large sandy plain.
We are thankful for the rain during the night and today. The temperature dropped and I was transported back to Autum days in Hampshire more than 13 days ago.
Meanwhile the vaccination situation, state capture hearings and student protests are making headlines. I am trying to distance myself from the news a bit. My grandchildren bring great joy. I can send voice messages to Ilan and he answers intelligently and sometimes sings one of his newly acquired songs!
Yael is enjoying walking and moves at a speed while 5-week-old Ariyah in NZ is too cute... ( 2 pics above intro too )
KATYTE went to the vet yesterday... quite an outing, but overall it went well and after anti inflammation and abtibiotic meds seem to be doing fine.
 Yesterday I went into a "supermarket" for the first time in nearly a year! Kia took me to the new Fruit Lovers Market. We came home with treats ranging from Salmon to figs and Dutch cheese.
A few days back ( 8 March) it was international women's day and Kia came home with this cake...