Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Coachsurfer lends a hand

In September, Katarina Muller from Soa Paulo stayed in the Dust Palace for two nights.
    Before she left she wanted to "do something".  I was preparing a tea party for my ex library friends, so she found herself vacuuming the lounge and dining room.

        And here are the happy librarians ...

The centrepiece for the jam and bread morning was donated by Irene...

Premature birthday lunch at Boschendal

Five weeks to go to my 70th birthday, and the celebrations started at Boschendal in the Boland.
    Emile and Jana surprised me with lunch at Die Werf.

Lovely mini orchids and roses!
Main course: Shoulder of lamb with roasted beets
Cousin Nico and his family ordered pork
the best Creme Brulee I have ever eaten
Soft decor to compliment the dining experience