Friday, 15 July 2011

"Spruce up" progress

 A few days ago this mauve wall was a flaking white surface. It is the view from the kitchen window and was not a positive space. In no time my son Eon prepared the wall and on went the mauve paint.
     I have collected a couple of cracked or chipped plates because the idea of having a decorated alley was taking shape in my mind a long time ago.
     The Queen Elizabeth plate was bought at Bargain Box in Walmer three years ago and served as a teapot stand and conversation piece in my lounge. Some creative soul must have decorated and fired this glass plate some years ago and then donated it to charity!
    The doilies and floral oval plate came from Hospice in Rink Street. These "lappies" rescued from the 50 cent bin, are now draped over the remains of the iron and brass bed I slept on for twenty years. When a fancy mattress and base entered our home on our 25th wedding anniversary, it was relegated to the garden.  Eon rescued it from behind the compost container and set it up against the mauve wall.
 Paint flakes still dominate the scene, but Gideon van der Merwe's gift to me - a fake marble loo - forms the centrepiece of this outdoor area. Gideon is currently restoring his Campbell Street home and instead of dumping this very heavy "throne" he had it delivered to me.
A close-up detail of the remains of my iron bed sporting tea and coffee ads and utensil trinkets.
     Weather permitting, pots and planters containing herbs etc, will be added to this "canvas" over the weekend.

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