Monday, 27 December 2021

Ilan's first birthday celebration in Portugal!

Sunday, December 26
Covid deaths in SA has exceeded 90 000.
* 8 000 flights worldwide cancelled over the Christmas period.
* Israel ready to start administering 4th vaccination shot. 
* Desmond Tutu died aged 90 in Cape Town.
* Carnage on our country's roads. 

The newslist is long, but for me there is plenty reason to be grateful...
   Ilan is 5!
Kia designed a birthday card!
His dream of owning an adult weedeater has come true.

Monday, 13 December 2021

President Ramaphosa tests positive for Covid and I am 75!

Monday, December 13
    Visiting seceral African States and dancing without his mask did not auger well for our Prez. He is in isolation after the service for FW de Klerk in Cape Town.
     I turned 75 on Friday. Still has to sink in... The airfryer my children gifted me will surely keep on reminding me that I was born three-quarters of a century ago!
    Emile and family left SA on 29 November after a marathon struggle to get their Portugese visas and the Omicron scare that grounded international flights.
     They have completed their quarentine period today.
The family celebrated my birthday in Trancoso with Piet and Elize. 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Local election day...

Monday, November 1
    The Prez moved us to Level 1 a month ago and political parties used the opportunity to campaign...
      Kia and I went to the Oval this afternoon to vote.  10 minutes... and we were done. Voting has never been so fast for us!
    Today is also a special day as Ariyah is 9 months old. She is adorable... 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Moving to level 2

Wednesday, 15 September 2021
     Curfew extended to 11pm and sale of liquor extended to Fridays etc etc...
     Emile and family arrived on Saturday 30 August awaiting their visas for Portugal so this is a busy time with two energetic kids!
They went on an educational boat cruise yesterday.
Ilan loves the ocean an has started a sea garden in the backyard.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Day 510 of Lockdown

Wednesday, August 18
Thr Delta variant still has its grip on the SA population but in my garden there is promise of Spring (although cold after snow in the Karoo).
On Sunday I received pics of snow in Middelburg...
My aunt's house on the left towards back of town hall... and below... 
My second cousin Andre with his son AC.
   Meanwhile, in NZ, Ariyah got a snazzy high chair!
Teatime in Kyalami!
    And Ilan's lasy day at playschool... 
Last week I entertained my sister-in-law Lauraine. 
Nearly 70 000 Covid deaths reported so far... 

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Day 500 of Lockdown!

Sunday, August 8
Covid -  in the guise of Delta - is still with us.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Back to level 3 announced on 25 July 2021

Friday, July 30
    A quick trip with Emile to the Western Cape to see Functional meds practitioner Frieda Badenhorst.
     So I listened to the Prez in my luxury room in Van der Stel Manor in Stellenbosch. Main news was that churches can open with limited congregations and alcohol sales are legal again. 
    Monday was a gorgeous sunny winter's day and we went to Darling for Emile's business appointment.
    I spent the time at Evita se Perron... A place dear to my nostalgic heart!
Breakfast highlight at V D Stel Manor was the scone... the texture so light...
In a sophisticated atmosphere and good morning food...
The Delta variant of the Covid virus is still an unfriendly enemy... Update from Netwerk 24

On my arrival home, Kia had surprises waiting. The first one is the little "reading shelter" she built for me with repurposed wood and iron.
And a tiny boom box to use when I am relaxing there...

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Day 483 of lockdown and it is raining in PE

Thursday, July 22
     Our dam levels are critically low and all we can pray for is thay rain falls in our catchment areas. 
    This picture was taken in Humewood at about 1 pm today :
  And hail fell in Ina's garden this morning... 
Our cat is not too happy about the sound of raindrops on the iron roof but enjoys indoor comforts. He watched his programmes on TV.
The weather in Kyalami also calls for indoor activities. Here is Ilan and his artwork :
  Jana and Yael reading... 
In NZ, Ariyah enjoys books and she attends kiddies library programmes. She has also visited the City Art Gallery.
Tired after a cultural outing!
Nearly 6 months old!
    We had guests for dinner in Tuesday... Such a rare event these days! 
   Here is Marike (my GP) holding the bottle of wine Emile bought in December.  She and Ferdi were surprised to have wine served as wine sales are prohibited at the moment. 
On the Covid front, matters are not looking good.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Day 466 of Lockdown

Monday, July 5
   The Delta variant is sweeping through the country...
   Notwithstanding a no-no on gatherings, Jacob Zuma's fan club is assembling by the hundreds at his Nkandla residence... And the police seems to be numbed!
     But in my little world, I am happy to know thay my family is fine... 
Ariyah in her Sunday Best outfit!
At Oriental Bay.
5 months old...
Yael is growing so fast!
Ilan at his playschool.
    Our Brenda celebrated het 81st birthday on 26 June. We are in contact! 
Hailstorm in Wellington. Eon went out at 2 am for this pic! 
Snippets from the Internet...