Thursday, 21 March 2013

My children are aging!

Eon, my middle child has just turned 30. He was born in this house, does the maintenance and gives advice. In a nutshell, he rules the roost!
      For his birthday party, the back garden had to be transformed into a large entertaining space and that meant that I had to move my dolls and other decorations into far corners. With help, I swept and dusted for days on end. But it was worth all the effort and we had a lovely time.
      Eon even tackled the front garden and here he is wearing Kia's paint-ball mask.

 Friends Ryan and Gerrit helped with food preperations...
WE made a very big fire...

And a very special guest came all the way from George ...Tanja  (above) in the kitchen working on the roosterkoek.  (Below) With Kia and Catherine in the garden.

                                                                        Irma and Hein