My late mother's sister will be 85 in November.
I invited her for a birthday-present-visit at the Verandah for a week. She is very interested in antiques, nostalgia and style. She got it in abundance. Visited all the charity shops and had a field day looking through my "treasures".
Aunt Connie's visit to Pollen in Walmer |
We even had a senior's lunch at church! Imagine we being seniors together... she is part of my earliest memories of being!
Kia took a pic of us before leaving for the church lunch. I am wearing my German 2-piece bought at Bargain Box last year.
I did not want her to travel back to the Karoo by train alone. Colluded with my niece to meet us at Middleton for lunch last Sunday. After we said goodbye, I photographed this free-range rooster. He reminded me of my parents' poultry farm and the cock that had a scrap with my mother one day while she was collecting eggs.
My mother was a physically strong woman and won the fight. She cleaned and dressed this prize-winning rooster while my father was out. He was sold to Mr Segal, the Jewish general dealer, before my father returned... and ten it turned into a stormy day.